Participating in your school’s interscholastic athletics program will provide some of the most memorable and enjoyable moments of your life. Since Lakota East High School is a member of the Ohio High School Athletic Association, there are standards that must be met in order to be eligible to compete.
The essential eligibility requirements in this publication are only a summary of some of the regulations affecting student eligibility. OHSAA eligibility requirements are published in the OHSAA Handbook, which can be found in the offices of your principal, your athletic administrator and on the OHSAA website ( Lakota East also has the authority to establish additional eligibility standards, including academic and codes of student or athletic conduct. Any questions you have concerning OHSAA standards or your athletic eligibility should be reviewed with your school guidance counselor or athletic administrator. You should also meet with these administrators EVERY TIME before you change your course schedule or drop a course.
If you are a transfer student, you must ensure that you and your school administrators have submitted all forms, if applicable, to the OHSAA Office in Columbus. The bylaws and regulations, including the eligibility standards, of the OHSAA are annually adopted by each member school as a required condition of membership within the Association. You are urged, as a student-athlete, to review these standards since you are equally responsible for compliance with these standards. Thank you!