Lakota East High SchoolFootball and Basketball Sideline Cheerleading Try-Outs(Upcoming Grades 9-12) All “paperwork” must be completed with current physical in Final Forms. Tryout Packet Tuesday, April 22nd Informational Meeting6:30pm
2023 FALL THUNDERHAWK CHEERLEADERS The Lakota East Cheerleaders are looking forward to cheering on all the East Athletes this fall and wish each of them the best of luck! The varsity squad is using their strong leadership skills this season while
Putter's Lakota East Athletes of the Week for 9/29/22
Putter's Lakota East Athletes of the Week for 8/25/22
Putter's Lakota East Athletes of the Week for 10/28/21
Sophia is a junior on the East Girls Soccer Team.
Sophia is a defender who has been instrumental in the Hawk's transition to a new formation this season.
Sophia is a savvy player who has a high soccer IQ and seeks to make herself an all-around better athlete!
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